[Users] Folder Processing Rules

Brian Morrison bdm at fenrir.org.uk
Tue Jun 11 18:44:22 UTC 2024

On Tue, 11 Jun 2024 20:35:23 +0200
klt at fsfe.org wrote:

> Hello Paul,
> thanks again for your help.
> The Folder Processing rules do the right job :)
> It would be nice to be able to define compound rules,
> e.g. ~unread & ( from matchcase "a" | from matchcase "b" )
> Is this possible or in a future version only.

When you create the rule, click the Condition button and you then get a
dialogue that allows you to define one or more conditions. You can
then select All or At least one for these rules (giving you the
equivalent of & or | for multiple rules).

It doesn't allow for compound statements as above, but with a bit of
thinking and De Morgan you can usually come up with something that


Brian Morrison

                "I am not young enough to know everything"
                                                          Oscar Wilde

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