[Users] TAB "expansion" and line wrapping

Paul Rolland rol at witbe.net
Tue Jan 2 13:57:18 UTC 2024


I think I'm facing an issue involving the presence of "TAB" in the message
and impacting the line wrapping. From my tests, it seems that a TAB is
always considered to be "8 spaces" when deciding if the line must be

will be considered as 4 + 8 + 8 + 4 = 24 chars long when it should be
4 + 4 (TAB aligned to 8) + 8 + 4 = 20
in a Compose windows.
It seems this comes from compose_get_line_break_pos() in compose.c as we
are doing:
    else if (*p == '\t')
      col += 8;
without considering the current value of col, where we should round to the
next multiple of 8 instead. So something like :
      col += 8 - (col % 8);
would probably be better.

Opinions ? Comments ? Do you want me to send a "proper" patch ?

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