[Users] Mail disappeared

John Jason Jordan johnxj at gmx.com
Tue Sep 19 00:23:17 UTC 2023

I am in the process of moving from Xubuntu 22.04.3 to Debian 12, still
in a dual boot until I get everything configured in Debian, and that
includes Claws Mail. In Debian I have my old Xubuntu home folder
mounted, making it simple to move config files. Claws Mail is in the
Debian repositories, of course, so I quickly installed it, and then,
before ever launching it I copied the .claws-mail folder from the
Xubuntu folder to the Debian folder. When I launched Claws Mail I was
thrilled to watch as it processed all the stored mail and the folders
all displayed the number of emails they contained. Then I clicked on the
Inbox, whereupon all folders went to zero.

What the heck happened? The original .claws-mail folder still exists
intact on the Xubuntu machine, and if I log in there Claws Mail still
functions as it always did. Can I fix this in the Debian install?

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