[Users] claws-mail impap-error Port 993 tls on Macos

David Fletcher David at megapico.co.uk
Thu Nov 30 17:13:43 UTC 2023

>I have now tried to compile version 4.2.0 again. I uninstalled before
>brew remove libetpan --ignore-dependencies
>Also uninstalled the claws-mail 3.1.9 via brew. What am I doing wrong?
>Do I have to install other modules as a basis before compiling?

Hi Steffe,

As Paul mentioned - use the latest git version. That now has the patch
included which I'd mentioned in the previous message. It gives the
changes needed for Mac and Windows. The installed packages from my Apple
Silicon mac are here so you might spot the difference with yours.

brew list
==> Formulae
aspell				gettext				jpeg-turbo			libx11				openssl at 3
assimp				giflib				libarchive			libxau				p11-kit
atk				glib				libb2				libxcb				pango
autoconf			glib-networking			libepoxy			libxdmcp			pcre2
automake			gmp				libevent			libxext				pixman
brotli				gnutls				libical				libxml2				pkg-config
ca-certificates			graphite2			libidn2				libxrender			python at 3.12
cairo				gsettings-desktop-schemas	libmng				little-cms2			qt
cmake				gspell				libmpc				lz4				readline
curl				gtk+				libnghttp2			lzo				rtmpdump
dbus				gtk+3				libpng				m4				sqlite
double-conversion		gtk-mac-integration		libpsl				md4c				unbound
enchant				harfbuzz			libsoup				meson				webp
fontconfig			hicolor-icon-theme		libssh2				mpdecimal			xorgproto
freetype			hunspell			libtasn1			mpfr				xz
fribidi				icu4c				libtiff				nettle				zlib
gcc				isl				libtool				ninja				zstd
gdk-pixbuf			jasper				libunistring			openldap

Best wishes, David.

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