[Users] Error while compiling on macOS

David Fletcher David at megapico.co.uk
Sat Dec 9 11:22:00 UTC 2023

>I'm running macOS Sonoma 14.1.2 on Apple Silicon.
>git clone git://git.claws-mail.org/claws.git
>cd claws
>./autogen.sh --disable-libetpan --disable-archive-plugin
>--disable-dillo-plugin --disable-notification-plugin
>This is pretty much my first time compiling anything and I am clueless
>as to why I get the following error:
>passcrypt.c:28:10: fatal error: 'nettle/des.h' file not found
>Looking at config.log, it seems NETTLE_CFLAGS and NETTLE_LIBS are
>correctly found.
>I have attached the output of make and config.log.

Hi Leo,

The logs show that you have the underlying libraries installed via
Homebrew, which puts them in /opt/homebrew/

You could try --prefix=/opt/homebrew and see if this helps in Claws
finding what it needs.

You should also try including /opt/homebrew/lib/pkgconfig within


Then try configure and make again. Looking in my installation
/opt/homebrew/lib/pkgconfig/nettle.pc would supply the info needed on
where nettle/des.h really is.

Best wishes, David.

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