[Users] claws-mail impap-error Port 993 tls on Macos

David Fletcher David at megapico.co.uk
Sat Dec 2 19:06:54 UTC 2023

>After the change, it now went with ./autogen.sh
>	#runs
>Make have problems.

Hi Steffe,

You need to re-run configure with options that exclude plugins that
don't work (or are difficult to make work) on Mac. I suggest this line:

  ./configure --disable-archive-plugin --disable-dillo-plugin

This should then compile ok. The standard autogen process runs configure
without options and includes some that don't work on Mac. The Homebrew
script would usually take care of excluding them but that's not there
to help you with doing the compile manually.

Since you are on Intel mac you probably don't need to add
--prefix=/usr/local since this will be used by default. For the Apple
Silicon Mac the Homebrew installation is in a different location and
you'd need --prefix=/opt/homebrew but for Intel I don't think you need
to bother with this.

Let us know how you get on.

Best wishes, David.

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