[Users] Oauth2 not working with Microsoft Exchange

Paul Rolland rol at witbe.net
Mon Oct 10 17:42:48 UTC 2022


Thanks Michael and David...
Only one reply to both mails, to compensate my initial double-post ;)

On Mon, 10 Oct 2022 15:25:30 +0000
"David Fletcher" <David at megapico.co.uk> wrote:

> This part is OK. Assuming you are using the latest git version of Claws
> then it will be listening for this connection on the local machine.

I _think_ I'm up-to-date :
104 [18:46] rol at riri:~...src/Claws/claws-mail-git> git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean

but considering that a strace running against claws never revealed the 
attempt to bind to 8888 or an attempt to connect to that port, I should
conclude that I'm not on the latest git, despite a "git pull" before 
a make clean and a rebuild...
> Background: There's code in prefs_account.c which listens for the
> connection made during the oauth2 authorisation process at Microsoft.
> Microsoft responds to part of that authorisation process by sending your
> browser an HTTP redirect request causing it to connect to the local
> machine, thereby passing the authorisation to Claws Mail. (Microsoft
> does not contact Claws directly from outside your machine). You'll
> notice the "redirect_uri=" part in one of the strings you posted:

I can see that code in my source tree... 

> As Michael said, the error seems to be the tls handshake when Claws
> attempts to contact Microsoft to obtain the Oauth2 tokens. Could you
> have compiled against a dud TLS library?

111 [18:51] rol at riri:~...src/Claws/claws-mail-git> ldd
~rol/usr/bin/claws-mail | grep tls libgnutls.so.30 =>
/lib64/libgnutls.so.30 (0x00007f13a8400000) and this is provided by :
gnutls.x86_64      3.7.7-1.fc35

So, I've decided to dig into prefs_account.c and I've made some progress ;)

1 - The 8888 listener is started when you click on Copy link.... but as I
    was clicking on Authorise from a freshly started Claws, I had no
    listener (confirmed by netstat and strace and the debug messages).
    Now, I click first on Copy link, and now I have the messages:

prefs_account.c:5185:Starting oauth2 listener task
prefs_account.c:6075:oauth2 listener task running
prefs_account.c:6086:oauth2 listener socket created
prefs_account.c:6102:oauth2 listener bind done
prefs_account.c:6107:oauth2 listener waiting for incoming connections...

    That looks Ok

2 - Now, it seems that this is also making TLS a little bit happier:

ssl.c:404:Setting GnuTLS priority to
NORMAL:!VERS-SSL3.0:!VERS-TLS1.0:!VERS-TLS1.1, status = 0 ssl.c:423:Set
GnuTLS session server name indication to login.microsoftonline.com, status
= 0 ssl.c:451:setting certificate callback function ssl.c:311:waiting for
SSL_connect thread... ssl.c:329:SSL_connect thread returned 0
ssl_certificate.c:266:got 136 certs in crt_list! 0x7fff32f35408
/home/rol/.claws-mail/certs/login.microsoftonline.com.443.cert first try
ssl_certificate.c:266:got 1 certs in crt_list! 0x7fff32f35258
ssl_certificate.c:455:got cert 0x67bbda0

    but then I have a warning:

** (claws-mail:2812016): WARNING **: 19:11:28.613: size differ 2006 2005
ssl_certificate.c:182:writing 2006 bytes

    But that's a warning, and the operation continues:

file-utils.c:58:TIMING safe_fclose : 0s000ms
ssl_certificate.c:182:writing 2772 bytes
ssl_certificate.c:182:writing 1761 bytes
file-utils.c:58:TIMING safe_fclose : 0s000ms

3 - Back to oauth2.c, I now have a body client that is constructed and
    sent, and then I'm back with a TLS error:

socket.c:1278:Unexpected TLS read result -110
** Message: 19:11:28.760: OAuth2 access token not obtained

Any idea what could be that error -110 ? I've tried to have a look at
GNUTLS repo for release 3.7.7, but socket.c is not that long, so I don't
know who is creating the "Unexpected TLS" error.


Paul Rolland                                E-Mail : rol(at)witbe.net
CTO - Witbe.net SA                          Tel. +33 (0)1 47 67 77 77
18 Rue d'Arras, Bat. A11                    Fax. +33 (0)1 47 67 77 99
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