[Users] Building Claws on Win32

Rosemary Lockie wishful99 at btinternet.com
Sun May 15 09:56:26 CEST 2022


I am attempting to build Claws 3.19 for Win32 using Windows for Linux Subsystem and
Ubuntu 20.04.

However I cannot progress further with my build because MAKE of gdk_pixbuf-2.42.8 is
failing as it requires MESON v0.55.3 or above, and the most recent Ubuntu v20.04 version
of Meson is 0.53.2.

Can anyone advise, please, that if I were to seek a newer version of Meson (using Pip3,
or PPA) of any issues in doing so, as in "breaking" other aspects of the build?

I'm attaching the Error Log, for information.

Thank you in advance.

Kind Regards,
Rosemary Lockie
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