[Users] Using Claws mail and Gmail

Little Girl littlergirl at gmail.com
Thu Jun 16 11:59:38 CET 2022

Hey there,

Paul wrote:
>Little Girl wrote: 

>> The last I had checked, the instructions in the Claws Mail FAQ
>> weren't complete,

>You can help improve them. The Claws Mail FAQ is a wiki.

I'm pretty sure I saw at least one message in here from someone who
said they were waiting for approval of their submission for the FAQ.
I don't contribute to projects that require approval, but you're
welcome to use the steps I've put together in any way that you like
and put them in there yourself.

The latest tested steps for 2-Step Verification were attached to a
message with the subject of "Re: [Users] 0auth2" on June 13:


The latest tested steps for OAuth2 were also attached to the same


Since the invalid certificate bug prevents me from getting OAuth2
across the finish line, I can only guess at the final steps in the
Claws Mail section, so you'll want to read through those steps,
paying special attention to everything after step 19 and reviewing
those for accuracy to represent each step the user will need to take
to cross the finish line.

Last, but not least, I've also written up the steps for setting up an
App Password and tested those on multiple accounts. Those haven't yet
been shared on this list, so I'm attaching them to this message as
plain text and you're welcome to put them into your FAQ or use them in
any way that you like.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.
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