[Users] Can't login to my GMail IMAP acct

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 10 16:36:16 CET 2022

On Fri, 10 Jun 2022 08:49:48 -0400, Little Girl wrote:
>It's more like we're very carefully playing Jenga.


we are very carefully playing Jenga while suffering from a tremor ;).
Actually it's common that black hads crack the servers of providers,
they usually don't crack the fine non-multi-factor passwords of
individual users. Sure, if they crack a server now, they can't steal
those non-multi-factor passwords anymore, assuming multi-factor is used.
However, unlikely a black hat cracks a server to steal non-multi-factor
passwords at all, since they already got direct access to privacy data,
hence they aren't interested in indirect routes to get the same or more
likely less data. Security experts recommended ways to generate human
memorable passwords that are more or less not to crack.

Insecure are demands, e.g. if a password must contain 10 chars, 1
special char, at least one upper and one lower case letter and 2
numbers, this results in passwords such as 12AaBbCcD! , easy to crack
and so are the 4 or 5 digit pins of common auth apps.

More obscure confusion never resulted in more security. Btw.
responsible for Heartbleed was a German computer security Ph.D.
candidate. Making an enterprise model out of computer security has less
to do with expertise. Most of the times it's snake oil.

This company had the best reputation on this planet:

Those interested in real security follow the KISS principle, they don't
follow a sleight of hand.

My 2 Cents,

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