[Users] Address Book and Wild Cards - yes or no?

Norwid Behrnd nbehrnd at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 10 09:12:39 CET 2022

Brad Rogers <brad at fineby.me.uk> wrote:

> It would be helpful to have wildcard capability because I receive emails
> from one domain, but the user part changes frequently, and rarely gets
> reused - making adding each unique address almost pointless.  Allowing
> *@domain.com in the address book would be very useful, IMO.

Assuming you want an automated addition of addresses from domain
@example.com of entrant emails into your address book, start along
Configuration -> Filtering and define a name for this rule.  As
condition, add the line

from matchcase "@example.com"

Next, down in the menu of action configuration, there is an entry
"Add to address book" then asking you which line of the header to
consider (e.g., from, or cc) and which book/folder of your address
books should store these new addresses.  This yields an entry
"action" like

add_to_addressbook "From" "addrbook-000002.xml"

Finally, add this to the already existing filters in use.


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