[Users] 2nd try: Claws Mail has stopped working

Slavko linux at slavino.sk
Wed Jun 1 17:10:42 UTC 2022

Dňa 1. júna 2022 15:58:32 UTC používateľ sgeneris at comcast.net napísal:

>Pls explain to an end-user why he should search using an error that he did NOT 
>receive instead of the error he DID receive.

Because you have to search what people wrote (about particular problem)
somewhere on the Internet (or more precise, what search engine have indexed),
not what your machine tells, and search engines often mangles search query
to match their own rules.

Sometime people copy exact error message, but more often (especially
Windows users, as GUI messages not always can be copy&paste) they do
not. People often are not native English speakers, and this adds another
forms of sentences to search, etc, etc ;-)



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