[Users] How to change the background color on the folder list and message list?

mi codejodler at gmx.ch
Tue Jul 19 01:10:10 UTC 2022

Hello Steve,

> So I need to know what theme attribute Claws uses for the highlight on
> the current email in the email list and current folder in the folder
> list, and what file to edit to access that attribute.

For what it's worth ... i've the same problem and generally would like to customize claws.

A dark blue color should be something like #336699 (hex rgb values) with a higher value in the third color.  But i cannot find any 'blue' color hardcoded in your css example and i wonder if it is anywhere else. It might be the result of some invert/matrix operation on the existing colors - at least, as long as not explicitly defined in any css ?

For example, my email list 'active' entry bg color is #3584e4 (you can find yours by using a color picker, e.g. the one from gimp) and if i grep for that value in /usr/share/themes, where Debian installs themes, then nothing pops up.

I tried grep '#3' and that yields some entries for ThinIce theme, like

ThinIce/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:  bg[SELECTED]      = "#336699"
ThinIce/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:  base[SELECTED]    = "#336699"
ThinIce/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:  bg[PRELIGHT] = "#336699"
ThinIce/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:  bg[PRELIGHT]   = "#336699"
ThinIce/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:  base[PRELIGHT] = "#336699"

but this is not my claws bg color and apparently is gtk-2.

Actually, i don't see any specific gtk-3 theme here at all. Are the gtk-3 engines just using the existing gtk-2 themes ?

It would be nice to have a visual gtk 'debugger' similar to the one in Web Browsers where you can pick an element and say, inspect element.

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