[Users] can't click on Firefox e-mail links and open the Claws-Mail compose window -- UPDATED INFO

Dustin Miller dustbiz at gmail.com
Mon Feb 21 07:15:16 UTC 2022

On Mon, 21 Feb 2022 05:55:27 +0100
Ralf Mardorf via Users <users at lists.claws-mail.org> wrote:

> you can't launch an app installed into container crap the PATH way,
> until you add a wrapper script or an alias.
>   "Running applications
>   Once an application has been installed, it can be launched using the
>   run command and its application ID:
>   $ flatpak run org.gimp.GIMP" -
>   https://docs.flatpak.org/en/latest/using-flatpak.html
DM: Thanks for your input on this, Ralf. If Gil (the OP) decides not to
take your advice, then he'll probably find the above info helpful in
sorting this out. :)

DM: It looks like the implication of what you're saying above is that
that is the only way that the flatpak version of Claws can be run.

DM: So Gil, it's possible that the Firefox (FF) about-config setting
with the string 'claws-mail' may not actually be doing anything. You
could do some/all of the following as possible tests to figure out more

* 1. Disable that setting in FF, restart Firefox, click on an email
  link and see what happens. If you get the same result, then it seems
  likely that there is a system-wide setting to use Claws for that (and
  that it is able to find and connect with the flatpak version you have

* 2. If you get a different result in #1 above, then obviously that
  setting was actually doing something (and was able to find the
  flatpak version with 'claws-mail'), and you can probably focus on
  figuring out whatever string you need there.

* 3. If it's a system-wide setting that's controlling it, then you
  could look into your system's settings to see if you can figure out
  what command the system is using to call Claws. If you're fine with
  it being a system-wide setting, then you could focus on altering the
  string there to get what you want. If you want it to be specific to
  FF, then you could use whatever string is there as a 'known' base for
  trying to come up with a string that will work in the FF setting.

DM: We may be making some progress here, even if it feels slow. :) As
you can see from Ralf's input here and some of the things I've added,
there are multiple paths at various levels to get you to your goal.
You'll just need to figure out which one suits you and your situation
best. Cheers, ---Dustin

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