[Users] maildir plugin does not compile with claws 4.0.0

Christian Weiske cweiske at cweiske.de
Thu Feb 17 10:48:02 CET 2022

Hello Paul,

>> Ricardo Mones kept it alive (last commit was in 2020) so that it can 
>> be
>> compiled and used with the latest claws mail version.
> I seem to have missed that. Can you provide a URL?

I forgot to include it in my first e-mail, sorry. Here it is:

> But this is also true of Claws Mail's default MH format.
> From your email, it seems that you have nothing to gain in using the 
> Maildir
> plugin over the native MH format.

I re-read the articles that led me to choose mailbox and not MH, and
mailbox is actually a successor of MH, adressing some of its problems:

Also, neither getmail6 nor dovecot support the MH mailbox format,
so using maildir instead of MH gives me more portability.

Christian Weiske

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