[Users] best way to install claws-mail on Mint

Dustin Miller dustbiz at gmail.com
Fri Feb 4 10:05:47 UTC 2022

On Thu, 03 Feb 2022 13:04:33 -0800
Dave Stevens via Users <users at lists.claws-mail.org> wrote:

>  I have a fresh install of Mont 20.3 and want to add claws mail. It's 
> in the repo but I can't tell what version is there or if I should try 
> to find a better (more recent) build. Suggestions?
DM: Probably the main consideration in regards to what version you
choose to use is whether it meets your needs or not. It's easier to use
what's in the repo, but there's a good chance there will always be a
newer version than that available. I started out using whatever was in
the repo at the time, but then I got to the point where I wanted a
newer version for some reason, so I took the time to figure out how to
compile it from source. And since I had already put the time into
figuring out how to do that, that's the approach I've stayed with
whenever I decide to upgrade, since my experience has been that the
repo's version is normally older than my current one. Part of the
reason for that might be that I usually only use the LTS releases of
Mint or other Ubuntu-based distros, but my guess is the repos are
always going to have a bit older versions than what you can find on the
Claws Mail website. ---Dustin

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