[Users] Infinite loop problem!

Charles Lane lane at duphy4.physics.drexel.edu
Thu Oct 21 21:27:22 CEST 2021

For some time now (months) I've had problems
with ~20% of the email from a particular company
putting claws-mail into an infinite loop...
requiring aborting claws-mail, tracking down
the message in the mail directory, and manually
deleting it. 

If I don't delete the email, next time that message
is processed by claws-mail, it loops again. 

BUT, I just tracked down the looping: it's actually
NOT in claws-mail, but in pango-1.48-4, the standard
version included in Fedora 33. The loop is in 
"pango_layout.c/process_item" having to do with

It seems that pango has had some updates,
looking at the source code shows changes in the
relevant parts, so just installed
pango-1.48.10 and with the same message that 
caused looping before is now okay. 

Just thought this would be of interest to the claws
 Drexel University    \V               --Chuck Lane
                      / \_/*~~~~~  Particle Physics
                     lane at duphy4.physics.drexel.edu

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