[Users] User changes to message view size do not persist if program is terminated when message view is hidden

sylpheed at 911networks.com sylpheed at 911networks.com
Wed Oct 13 18:06:45 CEST 2021

Same problem here:

CM 4.0.0 on Manjaro xfce

On Wed, 13 Oct 2021 16:28:15 +0600
Dustin Miller <dustbiz at gmail.com> wrote:

>I'm facing a problem that I filed as a bug, but which is now closed
>as 'WORKSFORME' (i.e. developer not able to reproduce it). (Bug 4521:
>My system is Linux (Linux Mint 20 XFCE) and I'm using Claws 4.0.0.
>I'm curious as to whether anyone else is able to reproduce this,
>and/or whether anyone has any idea why this might show up on one
>system and not another? Here are the steps to reproduce:
>1. Use the 'Standard' layout from 'View - Layout' in the menu. Show
>the message view and adjust its size until there are six messages
>visible in the message list. Hide the message view.
>2. Terminate the Claws Mail program; then start it again.
>3. Show the message view.
>Actual Result: The message view takes up a larger amount of space
>such that only about 2.5 messages are visible in the message list.
>Expected Result: There would still be six messages visible in the
>message list.
>Note that the expected result is how 3.18.0 (gtk2) currently works,
>in case that is a helpful reference.
>Depending on how often one opens and closes Claws, this bug results
>in needing to do a lot of redundant resizing of the message view area
>unless one is okay with the default. Based on my use case, I've kept
>the priority of this bug at 'Normal', although I do realize that
>other use cases would indicate a 'Trivial' or 'Enhancement' priority.
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