[Users] Reply at top not bottom

mi codejodler at gmx.ch
Sat Jul 10 23:25:37 CEST 2021


> But consider this:
> A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
> Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
> A: Top-posting.
> Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?

I understand your argument, completely, and i'm not on one specific side. But you may consider this: With some (and for some people it's many) conversations, especially non-technical, you like to read just only the last statement, not the whole story.

That's chat-like style, and there is also a trend today to 'read and forget' what was already said, just like in group chats where you rarely make the eoffort to scroll up to, say, 3 days ago.

With the advent chat messengers (and even before mobile ones) people tried to use Email in just the same way.

You may say now, why the hassle to quote anything at all then ?? Well, sometimes you need at least what you've written yourself, last time, to get into the matter again; when reading the reply. And top-posting perfectly provides that.

I understand the mess top-posting creates but many people need just the top few lines, not the whole conversation. And all the rest, is just ballast to them, and could be cut off.

Only that moment when they want to lookup something that was said much earlier, are top-posters running into troubles. But - they simply never do it.

Of course that limits the depth of conversation quite a bit. But i think top-posters are ok with it. They do not expect this kind of depth.

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