[Users] Claws 3.16.0. When using shared storage for mail, the "read" indicator gets reset when switching login.

MatN mnieuw at zap.a2000.nl
Mon Jan 4 17:26:42 CET 2021

I use shared storage to make mail accessible from multiple logins.
This works fine except that frequently (not always) mails that
were set "read" in one login have been "unread" from the other,
frequently the whole folder.
I have not looked in the source, but it seems the file .mh_sequences
holds the file numbers not yet read, but it cannot not the only source
of "read" information. At least in one case it was empty, when I switched
Claws to that directory it immediately said all messages were unread, and
after some time the .mh_sequences file contained the file numbers.

So, is this a configuration issue?
Or, if it is a bug, is it solved in 3.17.5 ? If not, I shall put it in Bugzilla.


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