[Users] Calendar plugin problems: Password handling, import calendar

Jeremy veloce at nixnet.email
Sun Feb 21 13:03:26 UTC 2021

Hi all,

This is a more in-depth summary of the issues I am having with the
calendar plugin.

> > Do your error messages come from Claws, or the plugin, or the 
> > server (if that's what it is) where the calendar is stored?  
Here is a concise summary of the errors I have received:

If I get the username and password wrong: 401 authorisation required
(from server)
Get username right (username has '@' and '.' in it, as it is another
email address of mine): Could not resolve hostname. URL using
bad/illegal format or missing URL (from client)
Escape the '@' using a %40: This URL does not look like a CalDav url
[...] 404 (from client again)
Apologies, I really do not have much more time to debug this. I looked
in the logs for both davmail and vdirsyncer and basic authentication
is indeed supported, though (perhaps understandably) it did not give
me the username/password string in the logs. I really do not have the
time to get the source of vdirsyncer so I can pore over it and find
the string it uses to log in.
> > Are you able to create a test calendar with a simple userid and 
> > password to test with?  
I could do that on a different server to test claws mail I suppose,
but (due to how davmail works) the login is always an email address so
there will always be an '@' character present.
I did also try pointing vdirsyncer to the internal.ics (or whatever it
is called, the calendar file that claws generates its self) to no
avail, and because I forgot to specify that the calendar was read-only
(as I had done before for testing purposes) it deleted all my events.
It appears that program is not going to work.


Jeremy Nicoll also pointed out (in another email) that it seems the
calendar plugin is wrongly parsing the username/password strings only
when there is a reserved character present. The error when I omit the
special characters (and thus get the credentials wrong) comes from the
server, indicating that the plugin has correctly identified the
hostname, path, etc. Thus, the plugin is likely at fault and may
require modification

Thanks in advance for any advice or information
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