[Users] spell checker -- how to enable?

Brad Rogers brad at fineby.me.uk
Sun Jul 19 13:33:28 CEST 2020

On Sat, 18 Jul 2020 19:36:04 -0400
Gil Weber <gilweber at gmail.com> wrote:

Hello Gil,

>When I check the Mint 19.0 package manager it also tells me that
>Claws-Mail is **not** installed. I do not understand how it's not
>installed yet clearly it is.
>I also do see that Enchant is **not** marked where you told me to look.
>However the package manager tells me it (supposedly) is installed. But
>it won't launch from there. And Enchant does not appear in the Mint
>launch menu. 

The above two statements /seem/ to indicate (to me, at least) that Claws
was not installed using your package manager, and enchant was.  If that
is the case, CM may not be in the $PATH being used by whatever command
line console you use.

>So maybe I need to understand why I can launch Claws-Mail from the Mint
>launch menu but not launch it from a command line. And maybe that will
>lead to a reason why I cannot launch Enchant. And maybe that will then
>lead to finding a spell checker.

Enchant is unlikely to be listed in any program launcher;  It's not
something routinely called/run by humans, but by other software.

To see where Claws is located, look at the program launcher's editor -
there will either be a just a command (e.g claws-mail) or a full path to
a command (e.g. /usr/bin/claws-mail).  If you see just the command, CM
_should_ be in the $PATH, if you see a full path entry, try copying that
to the command line and then appending --debug.

At this point I'll add that I'm not at all familiar with the way Mint
does things (despite its roots in Debian), and I'm far from an expert on
CM.  Bring these two things together, and I'm running pretty close to the
edge of my ability to assist further.  I'll certainly try to help, but
at some point I may have to hold my hands up and admit defeat or risk
doing your sanity more harm than good.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
All these things are mine!
Money is Not Our God -  Killing Joke
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