[Users] Switching from Thunderbird to claws-mail.

Rolf Turner r.turner at auckland.ac.nz
Fri Aug 14 04:17:43 CEST 2020

Hi Paul.  I need to impose on you for a bit more help ....

On Tue, 11 Aug 2020 07:25:32 -0000
Paul <claws at thewildbeast.co.uk> wrote:

> > 2.  Does claws-mail have message filters, at least somewhat
> > analogous to those provided by Thunderbird?  
> Yes, it does. There is a script (called
> thunderbird-filters-convertor.pl) available at
> https://www.claws-mail.org/tools.php, which will convert tb filter
> rules to Claws Mail filter rules. (It's an old script and I don't
> know if there have been changes in tb since, but it still works as
> far as I know.)

I successfully downloaded the script, and using it *should* be
straightforward, but I can't figure out what the claws-mail mailbox is.
(Sorry for being stupid.)

The README for thunderbird-filters-convertor.pl says
The script takes 3 arguments:

 --tbird-file=PATH TO FILE The full path to the file to be converted
 --mailbox-name=NAME       The name of the Claws Mail mailbox
 --account-name=NAME       The name of the account to be used (optional)

I've got the "tbird-file" bit understood (I think!) but I cannot for the
life of me figure out what "mailbox-name" should be.

I've gone to ~/.claws-mail and found there a directory called
"imapcache" which has a subdirectory "mail.auckland.ac.nz"
which in turn has a subdirectory "ttur023".  The latter has numerous
subdirectories whose names are the names of my mail folders.

Is the appropriate value of "mailbox-name" "~/.claws-mail/imapcache"?
Or "~/.claws-mail/imapcache/mail.auckland.ac.nz"?
Or "~/.claws-mail/imapcache/mail.auckland.ac.nz/ttur023"?
Or something else entirely?

I hesitate to experiment, lest everything should turn to custard.

Can you point me in the right direction?  Thanks.



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