[Users] [claws-mail newbie] Some problems; a key one now: not friendly for dark themes?

Dedeco Balaco dedeco.balaco at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 23 13:09:10 CET 2019

Em 23-09-2019 05:04, Paul escreveu:
> On Sat, 21 Sep 2019 17:13:01 -0300
> Dedeco Balaco <dedeco.balaco at yahoo.com> wrote: 
>> 1) Will i have to *manually* reconfigure every account i access with TB
>> in CM?
> Yes. Probably it could be scripted, but there is not such a script, afaik.

Sadly. I have several accounts in TB, and i would like such script (or
anything to do it automatically).

>> 2.a) I was writing 2.b item, but i discovered that CM refuses to create
>> a new account with a compose window open for the existing account i
>> already configured. Is there a reason for this? It should not be, i
>> think. How can the composition of a message do something to trouble
>> accounts creation?
> Because you can change accounts in the Compose window, and that stops things
> getting messy.

If the compose window account options were limited to the accounts that
exists *before* the compose window is created, is a perfectly reasonable
limitation. It is better than refusing to create accounts, with a
compose with, much much probably, for a message in an existing account -
of course!

>> 2.b) When configuring a new account in CM, it shows forms with bogus
>> data for full name, email, etc.. This is *very bad* because i usually
>> copy this data with X selections from other windows, and "paste" them in
>> the form with middle mouse button. But the form is already filled with
>> bogus data... if i select it, i lose the data to be pasted; deleting it
>> before selecting the other is annoying; deletinig it without never
>> selecting any character is hard. Let it empty! - i think.
> Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V instead, then?

That is different. ctrl+c area is frequently occupied with other things.
The fact is: CM makes it much harder to create accounts, since i
practically lose one of the temporary areas with no good reason. A
graphical hint, to be shown when the mouse pointer is over it, would be
better, in my opinion.

>> 3) When i create the second account, the first window is filled with
>> values copied from the account 1. Really, really bad. Will i have to
>> delete all values in all forms to create every new account in CM?
> You mean when you copy an account to create a new account rather than /create/
> a new account. The copy is a copy, of course. Try /Configuration/Create New
> Account instead.

No. I did not mean the button "copy [account]" present in: menu
"configurations" > "edit accounts" window. I meant the values in the
text boxes for: menu "configurations" > "create a new accont", which
come filled with the values (name, email address) the first account
used. Again, the problem of having to clean the fields before using them.

>> Is there a way to use CM with all colors configured for a dark
>> background, and to force this dark background where needed?
> Use a GTK theme.

How? I have a Debian with Mate, and all programs for my daily use
respect the dark theme i chose with Mate Desktop, the window manager i
use. Firefox is GTK too, right? Its colors are dark, like the theme. Why
CM are not?

>> 5) Am i understanding it wrong, or is claws-mail default configuration
>> helps spammers' images to be loaded? Go to: mail window menu >
>> Configurations > Preferenecs > left pan "message view"?? > subitem
>> "images viewer" > checkbox "show images in message", which is checked by
>> default.
> Yes, completely wrong. Those options refer to attached images, not remote
> images. By default Claws Mail does not display fully rendered html, you need
> a plugin for that. The plugins have their own options for blocking remote
> content.

So, for the messages i decide to see remote content, do i have to
install a plugin? With such plugin, i still want to have the choice for
each message, and not a global setting that only turn on or off the
remote contents for all the messages.

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