[Users] How do I disable autocompletion in the file selector?

Tristan Miller psychonaut at nothingisreal.com
Sat Jan 12 20:43:50 CET 2019


In the file selection dialogs used by Claws Mail, as soon as I type the
first few unique characters of a file or directory name, the rest of
the name is entered automatically into the input field.  I get how this
can be convenient, but the problem is that no other application on my
computer completes filenames this way, which causes no end of
confusion to me. (Other applications typically *show* the
proposed completions first, and even if there is only one, I still need
to explicitly select it by pressing Tab or selecting it from a drop-down
list.)  Because I type very fast and don't expect the filename to be
completed for me, I often keep typing the whole name, which just adds a
bunch of superfluous characters onto the end of the autocompleted name.

Is there any way of bringing Claws Mail's behaviour more in line with
what I'm seeing with other applications?  Or failing that, can I
completely disable autocompletion?

In case it makes any difference, I'm running Claws Mail 3.17.1 on
openSUSE Tumbleweed under KDE Plasma 5.14.4.


                  Tristan Miller
Free Software developer, ferret herder, logologist
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