[Users] Strange filter problem

mlist mlist at riseup.net
Wed Aug 14 11:54:08 CEST 2019


In order to auto-watch threads started by me and auto-ignore those
started by others in a mailing list I have done the following:

1. In addrbook-000004.xml I have my own email addresses.

2. I have the following filters:

enabled rulename "watch mine" to_or_cc matchcase "list at example.com" & found_in_addressbook "From" in "addrbook-000004.xml" watch
enabled rulename "ignore not watched" to_or_cc matchcase "list at example.com" & ~watch_thread ignore
enabled rulename "move" header "List-Id" matchcase "example-listid" move "#mh/Mailbox/lists/example"
enabled rulename "STOP" all stop

Threads get properly marked as watched/ignored. However new messages in
watched threads are automatically marked as read which makes it
difficult to know about them.

Why is this happening and how can I make it work as expected?

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