[Users] New mail/message list update and reading a mail...

Paul Rolland (=?UTF-8?B?44Od44O844Or44O744Ot44Op44Oz?=) rol at witbe.net
Mon Oct 29 12:55:47 CET 2018


I've long hesitated about this "issue", but I'm getting more and more
annoyed at it...
I'm running Claws configure to automatically fetch emails every 5 minutes
(and I don't really want to change this behavior), but I'm experiencing the
following when a new mail enters the folder I'm reading an email in:
 - mail window is redisplayed/refreshed
   --> If you are in the middle or the end of a mail, you are sent back to
       the beginning with the headers, ... so you have to scroll down
       again to where you were.
   --> If for some reason you were not on the first body part, well, bad
       luck, because that body part is automatically re-selected.

Is that due to some specific configuration I may have, or is everybody
experiencing that, and if so, is there a solution ?

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