[Users] Shortcut key to fancy render view for HTML messages

flyingrhino flyingrhino at orcon.net.nz
Tue Jan 30 05:51:02 CET 2018

The "a" key moves to the next part -- keep hitting it as required (it
wraps back to the first part).  The "z" key goes to the previous part;
but does not wrap to the last part.

> Replied with this last night...  did you miss it?  Doesn't it help?

My apologies, there was a lot of junk mail yesterday and I must have deleted your response with it.
Yes, your response is exactly what I've been looking for.
Thank you very much.

Now that I know what to look for - it does appear in the menus (View -> Go To -> Next part A / Previous part Z) , but the name "part" is not descriptive - especially since the column is named "MIME Type" if you expand it horizontally :(

Anyway problem solved !

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