[Users] Sending mail hangs when using PGP MIME

Mark Raynsford list+org.claws-mail at io7m.com
Fri Oct 13 15:07:02 CEST 2017

On 2017-10-13T13:25:54 +0100
Paul <claws at thewildbeast.co.uk> wrote:
> PGP mail is a feature that Claws Mail has always had. I've never
> experienced the problem you have.

Me neither. I've been using it for years and this is the first issue
I've had. I'm not completely convinced that it's a problem with PGP
as I've had unsigned mail fail to send as well.

Case in point: I haven't signed this mail and I'm now adding this note
after it failed to send the first time).

Edit: And the second time.
Edit: And the third time.

> I wonder about the SMTP server and what it is doing.

Here's the output of the smtpd for a failed send (addresses changed to
protect the innocent):


I've inserted a line break where the timeout occurs. You can see that
Claws sends an initial DATA command but never sends anything beyond
that. Eventually the server gives up.

Mark Raynsford | http://www.io7m.com

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