[Users] Workaround for slow message list scroll and message display

Steve Litt slitt at troubleshooters.com
Wed Oct 12 01:17:50 CEST 2016

Hi all,

Every version of Claws I've tried has been very sensitive to what's
loaded and using resources on the computer. So when I have three
different browsers each with 3 different youtube videos, every one of
which has a plugin-containe process, the whole computer slows down, and
Claws slows down more than most.

When I kill off the gratuitous browsers and youtubes, system
performance for the most part returns to normal. But Claws Mail
continues scrolling slowly and displaying slowly.

The workaround is: Once you've killed all the extraneous processes,
close and restart Claws. It will be much faster, possibly by an order
of magnitude. I'm even considering doing a prophylactic Claws restart
every morning.


Steve Litt 
== Whose business shall never be mentioned on the Claws-Mail List ==


Steve Litt 
September 2016 featured book: Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting

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