[Users] what kinds of "sending" hotkeys do exist ?

Michael codejodler at gmx.ch
Tue Jan 5 21:23:33 CET 2016

Andrej, Ralf,

I could see the "sending indicator" status bar thing. I also can see the network traffic on a small sidecar monitor (wmifs).

Also, "save sent messages" is enabled.

I've configured 160 chars draft backup, and always exceed that easily ... 

> I guess you hit Ctrl + w, which simply closes the window.

Wouldn't claws ask me if to save as draft ?

In the past, it happened once with a very long mail, on which i worked for at least 30 Minutes.

My best idea is that i hit the "send" combination, and then (maybe by more random keys) a kind of "Delete thread" got triggered ? 

Does "Delete thread" exist ?

I set the "send" hotkey combnation now to Ctrl Alt Enter, for me apparently safer than Ctrl Enter.

I'm not really eager to reproduce the thing ...

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