[Users] Random delays... (bis)

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at zoho.com
Thu Dec 8 16:58:11 CET 2016

I can't help you, but I notice two issue since a long time ago, too.

1. Often after selecting a folder (POP accounts), it takes very long
before the busy cursor disappears and a message is visible.

2. When closing Claws, it usually takes that long, that openbox ask me
to kill the process. It's not required to kill it, because after a while
Claws does close.

I'm using Evolution, too, with much more mails per folder and account.
It doesn't suffer from such a slowness. There is also no other GUI of
other software that is as slow as Claws is. At the moment this happens
on Ubuntu 16.04 and Arch Linux with claws-mail from git
3.14.1.r19.ge7206c0, but it's not a new issue. Neither for me and at
least not for one other user. If it wasn't you, then another subscriber
who reported it to this mailing list.

I don't care, I just decided not to switch from Evolution, to Claws,
because Claws is too slow for my workflow, not only in regards to this
bug, but it e.g. has got no usable search features. They are simply to
weak. Claws is just useful for me, since it could be compiled for each
distro I'm using, so I could share POP account folders on a multi-boot
machine, easier than it would be possible for other MUAs. IMAP isn't an
option for me.


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