[Users] [Bug 3384] often claws-mail (often) starts with default clawsrc

noreply at thewildbeast.co.uk noreply at thewildbeast.co.uk
Sat Jun 27 18:50:04 CEST 2015


--- Comment #3 from Michael Schwendt <mschwendt at fedoraproject.org> ---
[ forwarding from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1204967#c11 ]

It happened again: I rebooted, and when Claws Mail restarted the column widths
were all wrong. (I haven't yet managed to replace Claws Mail entirely. Kmail
was still unable to get attachments in signed messages right when I last

As I now recognize the symptom with the column widths I didn't touch anything
in the GUI but immediately listed the contents of ~/.claws-mail. It contained
these files:

-rw-------. 11446 19 jan  2013 clawsrc.backup
-rw-------. 11061 27 jun 13.55 clawsrc.bak
-rw-------. 11061 27 jun 13.55 clawsrc.tmp

clawsrc was missing, and clawsrc.bak and clawsrc.tmp were identical.

I closed Claws Mail, and then ~/.claws-mail contained these files:

-rw-------.  9361 27 jun 15.08 clawsrc
-rw-------. 11446 19 jan  2013 clawsrc.backup
-rw-------. 11061 27 jun 13.55 clawsrc.bak

I copied clawsrc.bak to clawsrc and started Claws Mail, and now the
configuration is back to how it was.

This seems to confirm that what I've called my greater problem happens when
Claws Mail crashes or gets killed after renaming clawsrc to clawsrc.bak but
before renaming clawsrc.tmp to clawsrc.

It should be quite possible to look for clawsrc.bak or clawsrc.tmp if clawsrc
is missing when the program starts, and do this recovery automatically.

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