[Users] PGP in claws

Brian Morrison bdm at fenrir.org.uk
Thu Apr 2 17:47:00 CEST 2015

On Thu, 2 Apr 2015 16:54:14 +0200
Paul Sommer wrote:

> I'm not sure if I got you right, but my problem was that RECEIVED
> mails are stored encrypted. My sent mails are not the problem.
> If I understand the discussion there's no way for that!? If so then
> encryption is no option with claws - or better: claws is no option if
> one want to use encryption.

If you want to store mail sent encrypted in an unencrypted form then
surely that is an enormous security hole?

> How comes that after all the horror that Edward Snowden put on the
> desk still nobody seems to be interested in privacy. Really strange.

Security is an end-to-end process, including the message storage. You
seem to want something other than this for convenience but that
approach will undermine your security unless you take other measures.


Brian Morrison

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