[Users] About Kill Filter and pre-processing

Rajib Bandopadhyay bkpsusmitaa at gmail.com
Sat Sep 6 10:13:24 CEST 2014

Dear friends,

I have become an avid fan of Claws-mail
just because it has a pre-processing
filter. I am using it to download only
those emails and news which concern me.

It is wonderful, and I think I could
learn from working on its source code,
and then, in future, could contribute
towards its further improvement.

Where exactly in the source is the
pre-processing code resides?

I see that both filters and pre- and
post- processing options share common
options. What is the exact difference
between the three?

And more importantly, what the option
'kill' in pre-processing exactly does? 

Rajib Bandopadhyay
Freedom is impossible to perceive
comprehensively by anyone

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