[Users] ODP2 - Re: ODP - Re: onet.pl pop3 STAT fails on Windows

Theofilos Theofilos at interia.pl
Thu Nov 14 09:46:41 CET 2013

I checked it under Linux - Claws Mail version 3.7.2
It works well.
Both under Windows XP and Windows 7 still does not work in version 3.9.2

------ Wiadomość oryginalna ------
Od: theofilos at interia.pl
Do: users at lists.claws-mail.org
Wysłano: 2013-11-06 16:34:15
Temat: ODP - Re: [Users] onet.pl pop3 STAT fails on Windows
>I tried under Windows too. It is the same like under Linux.
>From Linux command line and from Windows command line is OK.
>I disabled antivirus and is still wrong in Claws-Mail.
>I replaced pop3.poczta.onet.pl to and there is the same error.
>From Wondows
>From Windows:
>nslookup pop3.poczta.onet.pl
>Serwer:  oreius.sferia.net
>Non-authoritative answer:
>Name:   pop3.poczta.onet.pl
>ping pop3.poczta.onet.pl
>the requests go to
>telnet pop3.poczta.onet.pl 110
>+OK Onet server ready.
>USER m3bydg at onet.pl
>PASS **********
>+OK Logged in.
>+OK 20 6475
>+OK Logging out.
>Od: "Colin Leroy" <colin at colino.net>
>Do: users at lists.claws-mail.org;
>Wysłane: 12:36 Wtorek 2013-11-05
>Temat: Re: [Users] onet.pl pop3 STAT fails on Windows
>>Hi Theofilos,
>>> Is onet.pl a free email provider ? I went to their website but didn't
>>> understand a word :) so if that's possible, could you make me an
>>> account there and send me the password, so that I can try to
>>> troubleshoot myself ?
>>Thanks for opening an account for me. I've just tested the POP3 server
>>and everything seems to work fine, from Linux and from Windows, using
>>SSL, STARTTLS or plain-text connections.
>>I used latest development versions of Claws Mail, but that code hasn't
>>changed in ages, and your version's pretty recent too.
>>Here's an example of what it looks like (and should look like) :
>>* Compte 'onet.pl' : Connexion au serveur POP3 :
>>  pop3.poczta.onet.pl:995..
>>[12:23:12] POP3< +OK Onet server ready.
>>[12:23:12] POP3> USER colinleroy at onet.pl
>>[12:23:12] POP3< +OK
>>[12:23:12] POP3> PASS ********
>>[12:23:17] POP3< +OK Logged in.
>>[12:23:17] POP3> STAT
>>[12:23:17] POP3< +OK 3 7874
>>[12:23:17] POP3> UIDL
>>[12:23:17] POP3< +OK
>>[12:23:17] POP3> LIST
>>[12:23:17] POP3< +OK 3 messages:
>>[12:23:17] POP3> QUIT
>>[12:23:17] POP3< +OK Logging out.
>>You mentioned it works using telnet from the Linux command line, but
>>did you try telnet from Windows ?
>>I am wondering if you could have an antivirus trying to transparently
>>proxy your mail connections, and somehow wrecking things.
>>Can you try the following ?
>>a) replace pop3.poczta.onet.pl with the IP address it should resolve
>>to, which is, in your Claws Mail's account settings
>>If that works, it is probably a proxying issue.
>>If you have an antivirus, try to find and disable email protection, if
>>this exists...
>>To troubleshoot more, try from a Windows cmd.exe, the following:
>>nslookup pop3.poczta.onet.pl
>>(and check the responding nameserver's IP, too, if, this is
>>ping pop3.poczta.onet.pl
>>(the requests should go to
>>telnet pop3.poczta.onet.pl 110
>>USER yourlogin at onet.pl
>>PASS yourpass
>>Should get only +OK. For some reason, the guys at microsoft thought
>>it'd be a good idea to not have telnet on recent Windows (Vista and + I
>>think), so you'll first have to enable the telnet client using:
>>pkgmgr /iu:TelnetClient
>>(And for some reason, I had to issue that command twice for it to work).
>>Hope this helps!
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>>Users at lists.claws-mail.org

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