[Users] IMAP: stream error or SSL handshake failed

Lucas Levrel llevrel at yahoo.fr
Tue Feb 12 18:45:06 CET 2013


I'm having a hard time trying to configure an IMAP account.

The account works flawlessly with Alpine or Seamonkey.

This is Claws 3.7.10 (this is the current Slitaz version). I think I tried 
all possible combinations of the various configuration options:
- no SSL/SSL for IMAP4/STARTTLS to start SSL
- providing or not a certificate that I got using openssl
- checking or not non-blocking SSL
IMAP port is set to 993.

If I set Don't use SSL or Use STARTTLS, I get a long wait ending with "** 
IMAP error on imap.u-pec.fr: stream error" in the log. If I set Use SSL 
for IMAP4 connection, I instantly get an error with "*** SSL handshake 
failed" in the log.

Please help.


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