[Users] Colors: light text on dark background

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Tue May 15 01:43:23 CEST 2012

On May 13, 2012, at 12:14 AM, wwp wrote:

>Here is my .gtkrc-2.0 file for CM. You will probably dislike it, but
>the idea is there and it's working.

Thanks, that is actually a huge help.

FWIW, I'm trying to adjust Claws colors to dark-on-light scheme presented


These are some very pleasing color schemes, but sadly there's no Claws
configuration available there yet.  I'm pretty close, although there are
definitely things not working yet (e.g. all the window frame colors).

Here's the gtkrc-2.0 file I've got so far.

-----snip snip-----
# http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized
style "solarize"
	base[NORMAL]      = "#002b36"   # base03 - all text background
	base[ACTIVE]      = "#000000"   # black - unselected background
	base[PRELIGHT]    = "#ffffff"
	base[SELECTED]    = "#586375"   # base02 - selected background
	base[INSENSITIVE] = "#eee8d5"   # base2  - insensitive background

	text[NORMAL]      = "#839496"   # base0 - main text foreground
	text[SELECTED]    = "#ffffff"
	text[ACTIVE]      = "#fdf6e3"   # base3 - foreground inactive

	fg[NORMAL]        = "#93a1a1"   # base1 - foreground in summary
	fg[ACTIVE]        = "#ffff00"
	fg[PRELIGHT]      = "#ff00ff"
	fg[SELECTED]      = "#ffffff"
	fg[INSENSITIVE]   = "#000000"

	bg[NORMAL]        = "#ffffff"
	bg[ACTIVE]        = "#ffff00"
	bg[PRELIGHT]      = "#ff00ff"
	bg[SELECTED]      = "#00ffff"
	bg[INSENSITIVE]   = "#000000"

class "*Text*"     style "solarize"
class "*Spin*"     style "solarize"
class "*Entry*"    style "solarize"
class "*Tree*"     style "solarize"
class "*List*"     style "solarize"
----- snip snip-----

and a few from my clawsrc file:


I need to take a look at some of the other clawsrc colors.

If anybody else is interested in collaborating on a solarized color scheme,
let me know.  If I can get something decent I'll submit it to the web site.

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