[Translators] Romanian translation

Cristian Secară liste at secarica.ro
Fri May 26 00:31:46 CEST 2017

În data de Thu, 11 May 2017 00:11:29 +0300, Cristian Secară a scris:

> I started the translation for Romanian. [...]

Here is the first version, done so far to about 60%

Note for Windows builds: right now, the install package does not include
the gtk20*.mo and glib20.mo files for Romanian language (only
libgpg-error.mo was there already). Some of the general UI strings are
based on the GTK translation (for example the Up/Down text labels on
ordering arrows, text label on Close button in Help/About dialog etc.)
On my system I copied these files from the GIMP install, but obviously
this is just some sort of temporary workaround.

To be continued...


Cristian Secară

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