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I will check on the crash with 32bit version<BR>
As to exporting vCalendar: I saw that but it does not appear to work<BR>
Lutz Andersohn
main(){int j=1234;char t[]=":@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.\n",*i=
"iqgbgxmlrls@l@yveofeqgbnek.n";char *strchr(const char *,int);while(
*i){j+=strchr(t,*i++)-t;j%=sizeof t-1;putchar(t[j]);} return 0;}
(925) 784 1565
D-19318, AFF-I
Public key ID: 0x9620D1A6
On Mon, 2016-11-07 at 20:38 +0100, Andrej Kacian wrote:
On Mon, 7 Nov 2016 11:21:24 -0600
Lutz Andersohn <<A HREF="mailto:landersohn@gmail.com">landersohn@gmail.com</A>> wrote:
<FONT COLOR="#737373">> This version is - at least under windows - unfortunately pretty useless</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#737373">> to me. I need good calendar integration with WebCal (Google). Version</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#737373">> 3.14.1-1 has the following problems</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#737373">> </FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#737373">> - Functionality: I cannot create a meeting in vCalendar and have it</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#737373">> automatically published to my WebCal calendar so it's available</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#737373">> elsewhere</FONT>
VCalendar can export meetings to an external webcal, look in plugin
<FONT COLOR="#737373">> - Bug 1: when it comes time to display a notification for an upcoming</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#737373">> meeting, claws-mail crashes. Not sure whether this only happens for</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#737373">> meeting from a subscribed webcal calendar or from the local calendar</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#737373">> as well.</FONT>
That is unfortunate. Does that happen also in 32-bit version of Claws
Mail? Currently, there is no technical reason to use the 64-bit version
except if you have some VCalendar meetings planned many, many years into
the future.
<FONT COLOR="#737373">> - Bug 2: when I configured it to check all mail and subscriptions at</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#737373">> startup, it crashed. Had to manually edit the clawsrc file</FONT>
Does it happen with VCalendar plugin unloaded? Does it happen in the
32-bit version?
<FONT COLOR="#737373">> I thought claws-mail was worth a shot but it looks like it's only half</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#737373">> a solution for me.</FONT>
Sorry to hear that. If you could nevertheless find time to do above
tests, I would appreciate it.