[Users] Wrapping

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 11 09:39:17 CEST 2019

On Tue, 11 Jun 2019 06:15:24 -0000, Paul wrote:
>|fmt -s -w 75|

|fmt -s -w 75| doesn't work with all mails.

An excerpt of an mail were long lines are warped in an unwanted way [1].

It might work for mails that are not wrapped at all, but actually we
get all kinds of mails, so the best bet seems to stay with mails that
were send with lines wrapped at around 72 chars and to ignore almost
all other mails.

If a mail doesn't provide proper wrapped plain text and if it isn't an
important mail, I only will continue to care about such mails, if I
have very much time and nothing else to do, so most of the times such
mails will be ignored by me. As far as I know a lot of people are
doing the same, at least on mailing lists.

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