[Users] Docs on filtering/processing incomplete

Paul claws at thewildbeast.co.uk
Sun Oct 21 18:22:09 CEST 2018

On Sun, 21 Oct 2018 11:14:16 -0500
Jim Kyle <jim at jimkyle.com> wrote: 

> I was reading the manual, as displayed via the Help menu choice. It
> never mentions the .claws-mail configuration file in the "Filtering"
> section, nor does it mention the need to click OK after each ADD
> action in the configuration dialogs.

I would argue that Cancel and OK buttons in configuration dialogues
are standard and widespread, and their use well-known. Why did you
think they were there if not to cancel your changes, or confirm and
save your changes? How did you close the dialogue?

There are many, many things which the manual does not mention. It is
intended to be that way. It aims to be a quick-start guide.

> Seems to me that a step-by-step list of actions to put one rule into
> the list would be quite helpful for newcomers; I'm creating such a
> list and will be happy to contribute it to the documentation effort.

We have an FAQ which is a wiki. You are welcome to create an account
and add contributions to it. https://www.claws-mail.org/faq/

with regards


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