[Users] [SPAM] Re: [Bug 3993] Claws Mail connects to IMAP server when it should not

Shai Berger shai at platonix.com
Wed Mar 21 20:36:00 CET 2018

Hi George,

I've attempted to write a simple script to anonymize the debug log.
That is, this program will go over a text file, and replace any
occurence of a folder name (of the form '#imap/GMAIL/x/' or
'#imap/YAHOO/y/z/') with an anonymized form
('#imap/YAHOO/folder/folder/' for the last example); it also replaces
any one of a sequecnce of strings (defined in line 5 as "PASSWORDS" --
put whatever you want to hide there) with the string SECRET.

I believe if you run your log through this -- that is, put your
passwords in the script and execute the command

	python3 script.py < debug_log.txt > clean_debug_log.txt

You will have a file which, on one hand, reveals none of your personal
info, and on the other, is the whole debug log as developers asked.

As I noted, this is simple, took about 15 minutes to put together. I
hope it helps. No guarantees, if it breaks you get to keep both pieces.

Have fun,

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