[Users] Extremely slow connection to git.claws-mail.org

Removed GDPR removed-gdpr at example.com
Fri Aug 31 00:19:03 CEST 2018


My Internet connection speed is 100Mbps:

[~]: speedtest-cli --list | grep -i london | head -n 1
 2789) Vodafone UK (London, Great Britain) [2014.13 km]
[~]: speedtest-cli --server 2789 --simple
Ping: 58.44 ms
Download: 76.93 Mbit/s
Upload: 89.23 Mbit/s

(testing to other international locations also gives
me similar or often even better result)

Normally cloning from git.claws-mail.org always gives
me 2-3 MiB/s max (which I feel kind of sluggish) and
browsing the bug tracker feels slow too. However today
(the whole day) it is much worse:

[/tmp/download]: git clone git://git.claws-mail.org/claws.git
Cloning into 'claws'...
remote: Counting objects: 107779, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (17687/17687), done.
Receiving objects:   5% (5389/107779), 1.15 MiB | 59.00 KiB/s

Is there a problem with the web hosting or am I
suddenly experiencing an unlucky route?


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