[Users] Need guidance with filter 'execute' variables

Will Brokenbourgh will.brokenbourgh2877 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 16 22:10:46 CEST 2017

Greetings all!

I recently switched from Thunderbird to Claws.  Thunderbird seems to
have devolved into a big mess, so I've found Claws to be a breath of
fresh air.  Thank you!

Since the Notification plugin doesn't work properly with Gmail IMAP (I
know, it's Google's fault, but I need notifications anyway) I have
created filters that do an okay job notifying me of new messages.  

I am having some issues when displaying something with 'notify-send'
and libnotify on Ubuntu Linux 64-bit. Here is the filter rule I'm using:

* Condition: unread

* Action: execute "aplay /home/will/Sounds/Media/notify.wav &" execute
  "notify-send -t 0 'New mail from: %f' 'Subject: %s'"

The sound plays fine and the notification pops up, but there are a
bunch of backslashes in the text.  For example, the 'notify-end' pop-up

> New mail from: Will\ Brokenbourgh\\<myemail\@gmail\.com\>
> Subject: Its time to test your e-mail client!

If there is an apostrophe in the Subject, the pop-up doesn't display at
all. (I'm guessing 'notify-send' is getting a broken parameter)

Does anyone have any guidance as to how I can keep 'notify-send'
happy and *not* show all these backslashes?  I tried with various
permutations of quotes and backslashes, but nothing I tried helped.
I'm also a bit confused about when to use \" and \ by itself.

Thank you in advance!

Will Brokenbourgh
Pacific Northwest, USA

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