[Users] Random delays... (bis)

Pierre Fortin pf at pfortin.com
Thu Dec 8 16:29:26 CET 2016

[original post not reflected to me, so starting anew]

I've been trying to find a pattern to random delays where CM's mouse
cursor just sits and spins for many seconds, up to about a minute;
usually when:
- switching folders
- opening next (or any) other message
- deleting/moving messages
- etc...

Using strace, I see a LOT of empty stat messages for non-existent files.
Now, after watching this for a while, these appear to begin immediately
following a stat scan of my entire folder structure followed by some
folderlist.xml manipulation; then the empty stats:

09:57:29 access("/home/pfortin/.claws-mail/folderlist.xml", W_OK) = 0
09:57:29 open("/home/pfortin/.claws-mail/folderlist.xml.tmp", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666) = 28
09:57:29 stat("/home/pfortin/.claws-mail/folderlist.xml", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0600, st_size=71872, ...}) = 0
09:57:29 rename("/home/pfortin/.claws-mail/folderlist.xml", "/home/pfortin/.claws-mail/folderlist.xml.bak") = 0
09:57:29 rename("/home/pfortin/.claws-mail/folderlist.xml.tmp", "/home/pfortin/.claws-mail/folderlist.xml") = 0
09:57:29 stat("", 0x7ffc929db2d0)       = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
09:57:30 stat("", 0x7ffc929db2d0)       = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
09:57:31 stat("", 0x7ffc929db2d0)       = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)

I'm not adding/deleting/changing any folders, so this folder scan seems
redundant; but I don't know the code flow...

Not sure if this is related to the GUI delays; but it does look
suspicious in that these stats are obviously on a one-second timer.  My
initial post added: "When I hit Send on this message, I get an attachment
warning, and these empty stats go to several (2-4) per second..." --
could it be that rather than changing the timer, this is an artifact of
several one-second threads?

If anyone can point me to the likely code, I can keep digging from


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