[Users] some mails always appear as new

Kevin Nathan knathan at project54.com
Tue Nov 15 17:33:02 CET 2011

On Tue, 15 Nov 2011 17:53:24 +0530
"J. Bakshi" <joydeep at infoservices.in (জ বকসী)> wrote:

>Some of my particulars emails always appear as new. I have selected
>those multiple times and click on "MArk all red" .. but next time
>after opening CM, those emails again become as new. Very strange
>issue. How can I get rid f it ?

I've seen this, too, but only on one IMAP account (I have one POP acct
and six or so IMAP accts) and only from a few addresses -- happens
maybe once or twice a week. So far, they are either spam or items I
generally ignore so it's been no big deal for me. :-) 

Kevin Nathan (Arizona, USA)  

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